Classifieds in Lipa city, Calabarzon
- 2K Cars
- 2K Car parts
- 1K Motorcycles and Parts
- 480 Kids’ products & Toys
- 404 Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 438 Furniture
- 988 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 3K Computers and Parts
- 1K TV games & PC games
- 195 Movies & Music
- 576 Photo & Cameras
- 1K Audio and Video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 264 Books
- 4K Pets and Animals
- 955 Hobbies & Collectors
- 304 Watches & Jewelry
- 1K Music instruments
- 2K Sport
PHP 488,888
2012 honda jazz 1.5 AT
2012 model 1.5V top of the line
Passion orange.
Superb unit. In and out.
Newly change oil and filter
17’s Bbs mags...
PHP 1,800
Canon BG-E6 battery grip
Canon BG-E6 battery grip for Canon EOS 5D MarkII camera, slightly used, add shipping
Call/txt 09184546112
PHP 1,700
Reebok Classic
Reebok Classic
Size 10.5 and 9
Srp 2.8k
Bnew and authentic
FB - Jenny's Shoes and Apparel
PHP 65,000
R150 reborn 2015
Goodrunning condition
Alagang alaga
1st owner
Orig or nd cr
May plaka na di lang nakakabit
Rimset comstar and mkn...
PHP 999
Wireless Doorbell Waterproof Chime Operating at 1000ft with 1 Remote
PHP 1,200
Vgod promechRDTA
Vgod. Bagong bili lang wala pang 2 days sakin. Kasama na lahat charger batt. Meetup sa rob lipa or sm lipa. 1200 po...
PHP 280
Hard Disk Drive SATA IDE
2.5 Laptop HDD SATA
₱ 780.
HDD 80GB - ₱ 780.
HDD 100GB - ₱ 880.
HDD 120GB - ₱ 980.
HDD 160GB - ₱...
PHP 2,800
Mikasa volleyball original
Mikasa fivb official gameball
Brand new
Original mikasa
Contact 09178219085
PHP 2,000
Japanese Spitz (Female)
japanese spitz
bday: April 13, 2018
gender: female
no vaccines
no skin disease
cute and healthy
marunong nang kumaen...
PHP 1,700
Reebok Classic
Reebok Classic
Size 10.5 and 9
Srp 2.8k
Bnew and authentic
FB - Jenny's Shoes and Apparel
PHP 680,000
Grand Starex 2012 680k
Manual 2012 GL
Turbo Charge Intercooler
Super kinis. No acid rain
fresh in and out
New center bearing,cross joint
PHP 6,500
Car Speaker and Amplifier
Car Amplifier X12, 4000 watts and Kicker Speaker 12" with Buffles
PHP 900
Reebok Backpack
Reebok Backpack
Srp 1.7k
Bnew and authentic
FB - Jenny's Shoes and Apparel
PHP 1,900
FREE Shipping Philips Xtreme Vision 130 H4 H1 H7 Headlight Bul
Philips X-tremeVision Car / Motorcycle bulbs are the brightest you can buy. They outshine all other Car / Motorcycle...
PHP 1,800
Decals and Sticker
Decals and Sticker for Yamaha Sporty, Use Genuine sticker and Laminated.
Free Shipping and some Freebies Thailand...
PHP 6,500
Car Speaker and Amplifier
Car Amplifier X12, 4000 watts and Kicker Speaker 12" with Buffles
PHP 10,000
Siberian husky
Female color red.male light copper 1 1/2 months complete deworm 5.1 upon release no health issue no paper if want...
PHP 4,000
17" LCD Touch Screen Monitor
17" LCD Touch Screen Monitor with complete Cables and Connectors
PHP 280
Hard Disk Drive SATA IDE
2.5 Laptop HDD SATA
₱ 780.
HDD 80GB - ₱ 780.
HDD 100GB - ₱ 880.
HDD 120GB - ₱ 980.
HDD 160GB - ₱...
PHP 1,500
Banana republic Leather jacket
Imported leather jacket from US. Di msyado nagamit kasi mainit dto sa pinas Medyo naluma na lng sa cabinet pero super...
PHP 280
Hard Disk Drive SATA IDE
2.5 Laptop HDD SATA
₱ 780.
HDD 80GB - ₱ 780.
HDD 100GB - ₱ 880.
HDD 120GB - ₱ 980.
HDD 160GB - ₱...
PHP 680,000
Grand Starex 2012 680k
Manual 2012 GL
Turbo Charge Intercooler
Super kinis. No acid rain
fresh in and out
New center bearing,cross joint
PHP 900
Reebok Backpack
Reebok Backpack
Srp 1.7k
Bnew and authentic
FB - Jenny's Shoes and Apparel
PHP 65,000
R150 reborn 2015
Goodrunning condition
Alagang alaga
1st owner
Orig or nd cr
May plaka na di lang nakakabit
Rimset comstar and mkn...
PHP 999
PS4 Games 4 sale semi brandnew
All for 4k if kkunin lht ung apat
Almost new pa ung Final fantasy VX at unchrted collection di pa nalalro tz ung...
PHP 10,000
Chow Chow Puppies
For Sale
3 Quality Chow Chow Puppies
1 Male - (PHP 12,000) now PHP 10,000
2 Female - (PHP 13,000) each now...
PHP 999
Wireless Doorbell Waterproof Chime Operating at 1000ft with 1 Remote
PHP 2,500
Poker setttt
Poker set from hobbes and lands.
Once lng nagamit na stock lng sa bahay.
3.5k orig price.
2.5k nlng po.
Pm lng sa may...